Past concerts

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Bridget Douglasflute

Xenia Pestovapiano


Toru TakemitsuRain Spell (NZ premiere)

James GardnerFetish Effigies (world premiere)

Philip BrownleeSynonta (NZ premiere)

György LigetiFive pieces for Wind Quintet

Kaija SaariahoLichtbogen (NZ premiere)

Paul BoothImpossible Colour (world premiere)

Michael NorrisWind Shear (world premiere)

Jenny McLeodFor Seven

Wind, Rain & Light

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Neville HallThe Way Time Accumulates

John BayerAsana (world premiere)

Karlheinz EsslEntsagung (New Zealand premiere)

Rachel Clementknitting dust (world premiere)

György LigetiChamber Concerto

Ambient and atmospheric chamber music

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, Former National Museum Building, Buckle St


Rowan Priorcello

Hamish McKeichcontrabassoon

Bridget Douglasflute


Rachel Clementknitting dust

Lissa Meridandevil on a wire

Chris WatsonPiano Quintet

James GardnerFetish Effigies

Ross HarrisContra-Music (world premiere)

Philip BrownleeHarakeke

John RimmerThe Ripple Effect

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Donald Nicolsonamplified harpsichord

Pepe Beckersoprano


Iannis XenakisWaarg

Douglas LilburnWind Quintet

Iannis XenakisNaama

Jack SpeirsThree Poems of Janet Frame

Iannis XenakisThallein

In Memoriam Iannis Xenakis

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Arnold SchönbergVerklärte Nacht

Anton WebernSinfonie Op. 21

Karlheinz EsslMise en Scène

Olga NeuwirthHooloomooloo

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, Wellington Town Hall


Strikepercussion quartet

Pedro Carnieropercussion


David DownesNoise

Don McGlashanWork Songs

Luis TinocoEnds Meet

John PsathasPsyzygyzm

Frank ZappaThe Black Page #2

Steve ReichNagoya Marimbas

Iannis XenakisRebonds B


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, Te Whaea


Hayden Chisholmsaxophone & voice

Edward Allenhorn

Murray Hickmanpercussion


Hayden ChisholmMagnificat 3 for saxophone, boy soprano, ensemble and tape (world premiere)

Luigi CeccarelliRespiri for prepared horn and tape (NZ premiere)

Pablo FurmanConcerto for Ensemble and Electronic Sounds (NZ premiere)

Paul DoornbushContinuity 3 (NZ premiere)

Tristan MurailL'esprit des dunes (NZ premiere)


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, Hunter Council Chamber , Wellington


Igor StravinskySymphonies of Wind Instruments

Luciano Berio"Points on the curve to find..."

Toru TakemitsuTree Line

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, The Parthenon


Jordan Reynevoice

Donald Nicolsonpiano

Jeff Hendersonsax


Miriama YoungBreathing on the A Train (world premiere)

David PriorSomewhere Submarine (NZ premiere)

Franco DonatoniHOT! (NZ premiere)

Victoria KellyShort Song Cycle (world premiere)

Theo LoevendieBons (NZ premiere)

John ZornFor Your Eyes Only (NZ premiere)

Jazz Ain't Dead - it just smells funny!

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, Marama Hall, University of Otago


Bridget Douglasflute

Donald Nicolsonharpsichord


Lachlan McKenzieFlute Quintet, Mvt I (world premiere)

György LigetiContinuum

György LigetiHungarian Rock

Michael NorrisWind Shear

Michael NorrisScintilla (world premiere)

Jack SpeirsThree poems of Janet Frame

György LigetiChamber Concerto

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, Auckland University School of Music


James GardnerFetish Effigies

Gillian WhiteheadManutaki

Philip BrownleeHarakeke

John RimmerThe Ripple Effect

Chris WatsonDerailleurs

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Ananda Sukarlanpf

Madeleine Pierardvoice


Julian YuPhilopentatonia

Gillian WhiteheadManutaki

James Woodcrying bird, echoing star

Liza LimDiabolical Birds

Jack BodyIn the Curve of Song (world premiere)

Olivier MessiaenOiseaux Exotiques

Diabolical Birds

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, Wellington Cathedral


Ross HarrisLament

Oliver KnussenTwo Organa

Toru TakemitsuWater ways

Michael NorrisScintilla

Karlheinz Esslfour2eight

Dugal McKinnonChrist lag in Todesbanden — mise en scène (world premiere)

James MacmillanExsultet

Scintillations and Exultations

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, Hopetoun Alpha


Mark Menzies


Brian FerneyhoughTerrain

Edgar VarèseOctandre

John RimmerDe Aestibus Rerum

Dylan LardelliFour fragments

Richard BarrettStirrings

John CroftSiramour

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, Hopetoun Alpha


Andrew Urenbass clarinet


Victoria KellySong for Chamber Ensemble

Helen BowaterBanshee

Iannis XenakisÉchange

Liza LimThe Heart’s Ear

Philip BrownleeSparks Among the Geysers (world premiere)

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, Wellington Town Hall


Jeff Hendersonsaxes)

Riki Goochdrums

David Longguitar


Gavin BryarsAfter the Requiem

John AdamsChamber Symphony

Theo LoevendieBons

David LongCross Creek

David DownesUtterances

David DownesGeneration

Howard Shore (arr. McKeich)Naked Lunch Score

Charles ColemanRut Strut

Velocities II

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George CrumbEleven echoes of autumn

Ross HarrisAt the edge of silence (commission)

Olivier MessiaenQuartet for the end of time

Twentieth-century classics: CMNZ Tour

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, Hunter Council Chamber , Wellington


Yong Nan ParkRiver Bend Motion

Heejung AhnLabyrinth

Boknam LeeEvolution

Chan Hae LeeColour in Colour

Dylan LardelliPaulownia

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Susan Ungviola

Kate Linehamvoice


José EvangelistaÔ Bali

Chinary Ung...Still Life after Death

Chinary UngKhse Buon

Alison Isadorathe little baby jesus and the bee

John Croftmurmures secrez...Avernales eaux

Roberto SierraCuentos


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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Richard Nunnstaonga puoru

Hamish McKeichbassoon

Aroha Yates-Smithvoice


Brigid BisleyIn memoriam (world premiere)

Gillian WhiteheadHine Te Kakara for bassoon, voice and taonga puoro

Philip BrownleeTe Hau o Tawhirimatea for flute and taonga puoro (world premiere)

Lyell CresswellCon Fuoco (world premiere)

Patahitanga | Convergence

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Lars MlekuschSaxophones


Michael NorrisSplinter Cells (World premiere)

Chris WatsonNew work for saxophone & chamber ensemble (World premiere — Wellington only)

Dugal McKinnonUntitled (Counterfeit Readymade #1) (World premiere)

Jacob ter VeldhuisGrab it!

Hanspeter KyburzCells


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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Rachel Clementknitting dust

Jeroen SpeakMusik für witwen, jungfrauen und unschuldige

Arnold SchoenbergWind Quintet

John AdamsChamber Symphony

Knitting Dust

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, Wellington Town Hall


Manos Achalinotopoulos (Greece) — clarinet

Vangelis Karypis (NZ) — percussion


Salpinx Call


Manos AchalinotopoulosBacchic

SeikilosSong of Seikilos

John PsathasAbhisheka


Christos HatzisFertility Rites I

Christos HatzisFertility Rites II

Percussion solo

Manos AchalinotopoulosDoxastiko

John PsathasMal Occhio

Taximi Kartsigar

Hymn to the Muse

Zeibekiko Dance

John PsathasMaenads

Zeibekiko (International Festival of the Arts)

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Bridget Douglasflute

Carolyn Millsharp

Simon Dockingpiano


Salvatore SciarrinoIntroduzione all‘oscuro

Jack BodyRainforest for flute and harp (world premiere)

Brian FerneyhoughLemma-Icon-Epigram

Oliver KnussenCoursing

Pierre BoulezDérive

Icons of Our Time

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Rowan PriorCello

Richard HaynesBass clarinet


Karlheinz EsslEntsagung

Alfred SchnittkeDialogue for cello and ensemble

Helen BowaterLumen

John YoungArriverderci

György KürtagKroó György in Memoriam

Sofia GubaidulinaConcordanza


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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington
Stroma at the ASIA PACIFIC FESTIVAL 2007


Richard HaynesE-flat clarinet


Songji Hong (Korea)Descending Flow

Naoko Kachi (Japan)Liberation

Nadav Ziv (Israel)Circles

Anothai Nitibhon (Thailand)Voiceless Sketches I & II

Christian Utz (Austria)Together/Apart

Jeroen Speak (NZ)Epeisodos

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Richard Haynesclarinet

Patrick Barryclarinet

Andrew Urenbass clarinet

Duo Stump-Linshalm (Petra Stump & Heinzpeter Linshalm)bass clarinets


Jorge Sanchez-ChiongTropico Transito

Michael NorrisIcons & Artifice

John AdamsGnarly Buttons

Chris WatsonMandible

Giacinto ScelsiKya

Gnarly Buttons

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Dylan Lardelliguitar

Donald Nicolsonpiano/harpsichord


György LigetiMelodien for ensemble

György LigetiHungarian Rock for solo harpsichord

György LigetiContinuum for solo harpsichord

Elliot CarterChanges for solo guitar

Magnus LindbergEngine for ensemble

Michael NorrisMachine Noises for solo piano

Harrison BirtwistleCarmen Arcadiae Perpetuum Mobile for ensemble

Mechanica — Tribute to Ligeti

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, Wellington Town Hall

A triple bill of classic Charlie Chaplin films shown on the big screen is injected with new life by maverick composer Benedict Mason’s ingenious contemporary live score, ChaplinOperas.

Inspired by three short masterpieces, Easy Street, The Adventurer and The Immigrant, ChaplinOperas explores Chaplin’s anarchic vision through an exuberantly inventive score. A riot of voices, classical instruments, toys, a coffee grinder, pop guns, brushes, sirens and sampled sounds, this semi-operatic filmspiel is a foil to Chaplin’s humour. ChaplinOperas wittily takes the movies to new places, playing for laughs as well as on the connections between contemporary stage and silver screen.

Benedict Mason ChaplinOperas


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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Pedro Carneiro (Spain/France) — percussion

Jeremy Fitzsimons (NZ) — percussion


Tansy Daviesgrind show (unplugged)

Gareth FarrDialogue

Iannis XenakisPsappha

Jennifer Walsheunbreakable line hinged waist

Salvatore SciarrinoLo Spazio Inverso

John PsathasPsyzygysm (concerto for percussion and ensemble)

Grind Show

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Richard Haynesbass clarinet


Gérard GriseyPériodes

David DownesExpulse (World premiere)

Samuel HollowayStrange Loops (World premiere)

Dylan LardelliFour Scenes (World premiere)

Iannis XenakisÉchange

Strange Loops

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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Jenny McLeodCat Dreams (World premiere)

Gillian WhitehadHineteiwaiwa (NZ premiere)

David DownesBliss Mechanism (World premiere)

Michael Norristesserae...interstices (NZ premiere)

John RimmerThe Ring of Fire


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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Jeff HendersonSaxes

Christian WolzVoice

Nicholas IsherwoodVoice


Chris GendallWax Lyrical

Jeff HendersonUnCage my HeArt! (World premiere)

Salvatore SciarrinoQuaderno di Strada (NZ premiere)

Street Songs

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, St Andrews on the Terrace , Wellington


Bridget DouglasFlute

Peter Dykes — Oboe

Leonard SakofskyPercussion


Chris GendallRudiments

Luciano BerioSequenza I for solo flute

Luciano BerioSequenza VII for solo oboe

Ross HarrisTrombone Opera

Ross HarrisFanitullin

Iannis XenakisCharisma

Frederic RzewskiSong & Dance

Frederic RzewskiTo the Earth


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, Ilott Theatre , Wellington


Mark CarterTrumpet

Richard HaynesClarinet


Iannis XenakisThalleïn

Jeroen SpeakSilk Dialogue VI (NZ premiere)

Peter ScholesRelic (World premiere)

Alexandra HayAn Island Doesn’t Either (World premiere)

Thomas AdèsLiving Toys (NZ premiere)

Living Toys

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, Hong Kong City Hall Theatre , Hong Kong


Peter DykesOboe

Richard HaynesBass clarinet

Hamish McKeichConductor


Iannis XenakisCharisma

Jeroen SpeakEpeisodos (bass clarinet version)

Michael Norrisblindsight

Chris HungFluorescence (World premiere)

Chan Ming-chiThe Song of Tai Chi Motion

Luciano BerioSequenza VI

Dylan LardelliTwo Bells

Musicarama (Hong Kong)

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Stroma New Music Ensemble
c/- Michael Norris
New Zealand School of Music
PO Box 600
Wellington 6021
New Zealand

+64 21 211 0138

Stroma New Music Trust is a registered charity, number CC48768.
© Stroma 2019 | Stroma is not responsible for the content of external internet sites