TIMEDANCE (Auck performance)

Rangatira, Q Theatre, Auckland

One of NZ’s leading choreographer/filmmakers, DANIEL BELTON, in collaboration with composer and Stroma’s own MICHAEL NORRIS, brings to life a major new work of dance film. Featuring live music provided by a small Stroma ensemble, TIMEDANCE is a meditation on history, memory, time and space. The music — a modern "filtration" of one of Bach’s best-loved Baroque dance suites for 2 violins, cello, piano and live electronics — shimmers with glistening energy and luminescence, while Belton’s mesmerising images flicker and flow.


Michael Norris & Daniel BeltonTIMEDANCE

Jan-Bas Bollen, Jac Grenfell & Daniel BeltonSoma Songs

TIMEDANCE (Auck performance)

Stroma New Music Ensemble
c/- Michael Norris
New Zealand School of Music
PO Box 600
Wellington 6021
New Zealand

+64 21 211 0138
Facebook: www.facebook.com/stromanewmusicensemble

Stroma New Music Trust is a registered charity, number CC48768.
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