Two of Wellington’s most beloved musical ensembles, Stroma and The Jac, join forces to explore the hinterlands where jazz and classical music collide. Featuring works by New Zealand’s own compositional talents Callum Allardice, Justin ‘Firefly’ Clarke, Lucy Mulgan and Jasmine Lovell-Smith, together with top international names in experimental jazz and electropop, Anthony Braxton, Carla Bley, Anna Webber and Laurie Anderson.
The Jac
Barbara Paterson
Callum Allardice A Gathering
Justin ‘Firefly’ Clarke The Curious Flight of the Fledgling Chalkydri (world premiere)
Anthony Braxton Composition 142
Lucy Mulgan In opera this'd be an overture but it's not so it isn't (world premiere)
Laurie Anderson From the Air
Anna Webber Idiom VI (Movement 5)
Jasmine Lovell-Smith Cerulean Haze
Carla Bley Awful Coffee